Are you like me and HATE spending so much money on these dishwasher tabs? Well here is an easy recipe to make them, and they work amazing :D This make...
Author: Lisa Walker @Lisak73
Do you really understand the difference between these words in a recipe? This will unravel the's all in the TEMPERATURE!
Author: star pooley @starryrose
My mother had a group of nuns make her a rosary from the rose petals at my father's funeral... This is the recipe... minus the praying nuns... The beads...
Author: Colleen Sowa @colleenlucky7
I just came across the 'History of Johnny Cake' and was really interested and facinated with the information I found. I posted a Johnny Cake Recipe a while...
Author: Susan Cutler
I'm a country girl, born and raised on a farm in Nebraska,I recently moved to Texas and am now a city girl :( I can't wait to get back to the farm life...
Author: Elizabeth Lancaster @RosemaryRidgeFarms2037
IT'S BAAACK! Cold & Flu Season that is! And everyone where I live is coming down with some variation of this disease and bemoaning the fact that they have...
Author: Diane Whitbeck @IRPELLC
This stuff is a great sensory experience for young kids. It is naturally white, and very soft, so it would be especially fun for a fake snowball fight...
Author: Amy Alusa @amyalusa
This is the way mom used to treat her skillet. It's always worked
Author: Lynnda Cloutier @eatygourmet
If you have a diffuser, and some essential oils, get ready for an awesome Autumn. Mix them together, close your eyes, and breathe in the scents of Fall....
Author: Andy Anderson ! @ThePretentiousChef
When my kids were little I would have my kids and the whole neighborhood in my house and we would be making bread dough ornaments...I had the paints and...
Author: JoSele Swopes @JODIE57
These just have two ingredients and smell so nice. Kids will jump into the tub.
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255
This is a great vinegar weed killer recipe. We have pets, all our neighbors have pets, the whole darn town (such as it is) has pets, which brings me to...
found this in an old amish cookbook and wanted to share. it is delightful and humorous.
Author: gaynel mohler @gaynel
I started years ago making these with my children, and now I make them with my grandkids. They last for years and the house smells so good when they are...
Author: Leona Krivda
These make great Sachets in cloths drawers. Wonderful scented ornaments for Xmas trees, Or are a great scent bunched together in a bowl on a table. Buy...
Author: Stormy Stewart
Great way to restore old skillets!
Author: Becky Graves @BeckyG1
If you do a lot of baking, this is a cheaper way to go than buying cooking sprays, etc.
Author: Jenni K @AnCsMom
Use salve as a relief for headaches and for use with general nerve type pain. Devils Claw (Grapple Plant) also known as Leopards or Wolfs Bane. Genus:...
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255
this is a simple recipe that you can adjust the amount of color to make it a very defined change or simply a slighter contrast. These are loved by men...
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255
No one likes a smelly trash can. This is a simple, cheap way to remedy that.
Author: Shirley Prescott @callalilly
There are so many variations of creating an elegant centerpiece for the main tables, or each table of a wedding reception. With Themed weddings, simple...
Author: Penny Hall @FantasyFaery54
Just as good as the expensive brand name stuff
Author: tracy barth @tracybarth
To help you substitute one type of yeast for another.
Author: sallye bates @grandedame
my grandson, whom is, or was at the time this was made, was 4 yrs. old, big into hot wheels, ask me, "nana, can you make me a hot wheels blanket", being...
Author: phyllis mcdaniel @pjcrafty
This is a hint I picked up from somewhere unknown at this point and I use it! I really does work..let me know what you think!
Author: Susan Cutler @suak
When my kids were little I would have my kids and the whole neighborhood in my house and we would be making bread dough ornaments...I had the paints and...
Author: JoSele Swopes
This is a wonderful gift for anyone who likes the holiday cooking smell anytime. Is wonderful added to a pot over an open fire also, like when camping...
Author: Stormy Stewart
On Halloween there is a little "WITCH" in all of us. Here is some (Besom)broom Lore.
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255
This remedy has two uses. First to help with black spot on roses and second to help protect asparagus from asparagus beetles and other garden plants from...
Author: Pam Ellingson @wmnofoz
It's time to plant Pansies in North Alabama. It helps me to get through the long Winter days. What lovely colors they have. They call me to come outside...
Author: Jewel Hall
When I ran across this little keeper, I was looking for things for my book that is including Homemade doughs, etc. for children to play with. Somehow,...
Author: Amy Alusa @amyalusa
I have a deep love for wild birds and enjoy bird watching and feeding the birds too. These homemade wild bird feeders are great to make with children and...
Author: Kimberly Biegacki @pistachyoo
Fall is in the air and the holidays just around the corner. Add a welcoming touch of fresh citrus, cinnamon, cloves and bay with this wonderful, simmering...
Author: Family Favorites
This is a super-easy way to dry fresh herbs. In my opinion, it preserves the color and fresh flavor must better than other methods I've tried. Bonus: Your...
Author: Teresa G. @sokygal
Regain control of your kitchen without harmful chemicals
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255
Mexican Traditon! These beautiful little eggs are for celebrating. They are empty egg shells with confetti in them. They are to be cracked over someone's...
Author: Kimberly Biegacki @pistachyoo
I saw this on Pinterest and thought I'd pass it along for those with children or grandchildren. Why not let them help you make it!!! Back years ago when...
Author: Dave T. @AirRail
This recipe was borrowed from It tells you how to make baby flowers for a baby shower present
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255
Insects and their larvae can do damage to your fruit tree, from eating the foliage to spoiling the fruit. Fortunately, you don't have to resort to harsh,...
Author: Jo Zimny
This recipe is from my daughter's kitchen. My daughter makes these for her tree. and her house smells delicious. A wonderful project for the kids.Thank...
Author: Teresa Morgan
I have seen recipes and thought... "I wish I could make this in my Crock Pot but.... I didnt know how to convert to a Crock Pot until I found the 'recipe'...
Author: Kay Skipper @Kay112
I found this recipe for exterminating cockroaches on the internet. I have it saved in my "Occasional Odd Recipes" file on my computer which includes such...
Author: Pam Ellingson @wmnofoz
Those diaper wipes come in handy for many things. Now these are not the kind that are astringent and disinfectant, but the ones suitable for delicate bottoms!...
Author: Amy Alusa @amyalusa
Everybody was excited about them. The other one used different flowers.
Author: Pearl Kern @Scooter1